Keep scrolling for a transcript, highlights, and key documents discussed in the meeting!
Guide to changes to the TUSU constitution and byelaws
Role and responsibilities of Officer Trustees
2nd December 2024Present:
Blessing (President Wellbeing), Harsha (President Education), and Ebubechi (President International)
21st November 2023Present:
Oluwafemi (Femi) Abolade (President Wellbeing), Michael Adewunmi (President Education), and Nevin Edwin (President International)
1. Welcome
The Chair, Femi Abolade, welcomed everybody to the meeting.
2. Ratification of the Minutes of Previous AGM
Matters of Accuracy
There were no matters of accuracy.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
Moved to vote
The minutes were passed as a true and accurate record
3. Receiving the Report of the Trustees
The President International summarised the report of the trustees including the key points.
Moved to vote.
4. Receiving the Year End Accounts
The President International presented the key points from the year end accounts.
Moved to vote.
5. Appointment of Students’ Union External Auditors
The President International explained who the external auditors are and explained their role. The proposed auditors are Anderson Barrowcliff.
Moved to vote.
6. Approval of Affiliations
The President International explained that the Students’ Union’s affiliations are:
Moved to vote.
7. Appointment of NUS as Returning Officer
The President Education explained the Returning Officer will oversee the elections, confirming they have been run correctly and sign off the result.
Moved to vote.
8. Approval of Updated Byelaws
The President Education explained the updated Byelaws.
Moved to vote.
9. Approval of Changes to Constitution
The President Education presented the proposed changes to the Constitution.
Moved to vote.
10. Approval of changes to the Guide to Elections including Election Dates:
The President Education explained the Guide to Elections. The election date is 4th March 2024.
Moved to vote.
11. Officers Representation and Campaigning Aims including Q&A
The Officers presented the details of their campaigns and took questions from the floor.
Meeting 21st November 2023 concluded.
15th November 2022Present:
Eby Eldho, Oluwafemi (Femi) Abolade, Nigil Narayanan Thathron, Over 200 Student Members
1. Welcome
The Chair, President Education welcomed everybody to the meeting.
2. Ratification of the Minutes of Previous AGM
Matters of Accuracy
There were no matters of accuracy.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
Moved to vote
The minutes were passed as a true and accurate record
3. Receiving the 2021/22 Accounts
Nigil Thathron presented the key points from the end of year accounts which will be available later in the year.
Moved to vote.
4. Appointment of External Auditors
Eby Eldho explained the role of external auditors. The proposed auditors are Anderson Barrowcliff.
Moved to vote.
5. Approval of Affiliations of the Students’ Union
President Welfare explained that the Students’ Union’s affiliations are:
He asked AGM 2021 to approve these affiliations for 2021-2022.
Moved to vote.
6. Approval of the Returning Office
Eby Eldho explained the role of the elections returning officer and proposed NUS for this.
The President Education ask AGM 2021 to support the change in legal form.
Moved to vote.
7. Approval of Amended Byelaws
The President Education explained that the Students’ Union has reviewed the democratic structure in light of some of the meetings working well such as Elected Officer Committee and Student Rep Forum and others no longer fit for purpose eg AU and Soc Fed.
Eby Eldho explained the updates to the bylaws, and that approval is needed by 75% of votes.
Under the new structure the Officers would be responsible for running regular ‘town hall’ style meetings so members can raise their issues for discussion.
Moved to vote.
8. Approve Guide to Elections Including Election Dates
Eby Eldho outlined the elections process for 2023, how it has been streamlined so less candidate meetings. The election voting date will be 6th March 2023.
Moved to vote.
9. Officers Representation and Campaigning Aims including Q&A
The Officers presented the details of their campaigns for the year ahead and took questions from the floor.
16th November 2021Present:
Harriet Dryden, President Activities (Chair), Madhu Bethina President Welfare, and Rebecca Gilling, President Education
1. Welcome
The Chair, Harriet Dryden, welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Ratification of the Minutes of Previous AGM
Matters of Accuracy
There were no matters of accuracy.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
Moved to vote
The minutes were passed as a true and accurate record
3. Receiving the Year End Accounts
The President Welfare presented the key points from the End of Year accounts. He noted the End of Year accounts have been audited as true and fair and had been approved by the Board of Trustees. The Students’ Union is financially sound. He asked AGM 2021 to receive them.
Moved to vote.
4. Appointment of Students’ Union External Auditors
The President Welfare explained the auditors check the accounts and financial systems. He noted that it is a legal requirement to have an audit of the accounts. Anderson Barrowcliff are Registered Auditors. Anderson Barrowcliff was successful in a financial tender process. AGM 2021 is asked to reappoint Anderson Barrowcliff as Auditors for 2021-2022
Moved to vote.
5. Approval of Affiliations of the Students’ Union
President Welfare explained that the Students’ Union’s affiliations are:
He asked AGM 2021 to approve these affiliations for 2021-2022.
Moved to vote.
6. Proposed Incorporation of the Students’ Union
The President Education explained that the Students’ Union is an unincorporated charity. The Trustees carry out the SU’s activities and are personally liable for any debts. She proposed the Students’ Union investigate becoming an incorporated to simplify SU contracting and protect the individual trustees from potential debt. The SU would become a charitable company, keeping the AGM and democratic structures.
The President Education ask AGM 2021 to support the change in legal form.
Moved to vote.
7. Appointment of Returning Officer
President Education explained the Returning Officer will oversee the elections, confirm they have been run correctly and sign off the result. She proposed that the Returning Officer be appointed by NUS.
Moved to vote.
8. Approval of Amended Byelaws
The President Education explained that the Students’ Union has reviewed the democratic structure in light of some of the meetings working well such as Elected Officer Committee and Student Rep Forum and others no longer fit for purpose eg AU and Soc Fed.
She explained that by removing some formal meetings and strengthening the links between the remaining ones, the structure has been simplified and there are more ways for members to contact Elected Officer Committee and to raise issues.
Under the new structure the Officers would be responsible for running regular ‘town hall’ style meetings so members can raise their issues for discussion.
Moved to vote.
9. Approval of the Guide to Elections including the election dates
President Education presented the Guide to Elections.
They include flexibility to change the process subject to Covid-19 restrictions.
President Education asked AGM 2020 to approve the Guide to Elections and election dates for 2020-2021.
Moved to vote.
10. Officers Representation and Campaigning Aims including Q&A
The Officers presented the details of their campaigns for the year ahead and took questions from the floor.
17th November 2020Present:
George Reeves, President Activities (Chair), and Alan Lofthouse, President Education
1. Welcome
The Chair, George Reeves, welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Ratification of the Minutes of Previous AGM
Matters of Accuracy
There were no matters of accuracy.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
Moved to vote
The minutes were passed as a true and accurate record
3. Receiving the Year End Accounts
The President Education presented the key points from the End of Year accounts. He noted the End of Year accounts have been audited as true and fair and had been approved by the Board of Trustees. The Students’ Union is financially sound. The SU is planning the pension scheme in the long term. He asked AGM 2020 to receive them.
Moved to vote.
4. Appointment of Students’ Union External Auditors
The President Education explained the auditors check the accounts and financial systems. He noted that it is a legal requirement to have an audit of the accounts. Anderson Barrowcliff are Registered Auditors. Anderson Barrowcliff was successful in a recent financial tender process. AGM 2020 is asked to reappoint Anderson Barrowcliff as Auditors for 2020-2021.
Moved to vote.
5. Approval of Affiliations of the Students’ Union
President Education explained that the Students’ Union’s affiliations are:
Moved to vote.
6. Appointment of Returning Officer
President Education explained the Returning Officer will oversee the elections, confirm they have been run correctly and sign off the result. He proposed that the Returning Officer be appointed by NUS.
Moved to vote.
7. Approval of Amended Byelaws
There was no business.
8. Approval of the Guide to Elections including the election dates
President Education presented the Guide to Elections.
They include flexibility to change the process subject to Covid-19 restrictions. President Education asked AGM 2020 to approve the Guide to Elections and election dates for 2020-2021.
Moved to vote.
9. Officers Representation and Campaigning Aims including Q&A
The Officers presented the details of their campaigns for the year ahead and took questions from the floor.
19th November 2019Present:
George Reeves, President Activities (Chair), Alan Lofthouse, President Education, and Sophie Bennet, President Welfare
1. Welcome
The Chair, George Reeves, welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Ratification of the Minutes of Previous AGM
Matters of Accuracy
There were no matters of accuracy.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
Moved to vote
The minutes were passed as a true and accurate record
3. Receiving the Year End Accounts
The President Education presented the key points from the End of Year accounts. He noted the End of Year accounts have been audited as true and fair and had been approved by the Board of Trustees. The Students’ Union is financially sound. Net current assets are up and the SU is planning the pension scheme in the long term. He asked AGM 2019 to receive them.
Moved to vote.
4. Appointment of Students’ Union External Auditors
The President Education explained the auditors check the accounts and financial systems. He noted that it is a legal requirement to have an audit of the accounts. Anderson Barrowcliff are Registered Auditors. Anderson Barrowcliff were successful in a recent financial tender process. AGM 2019 is asked to reappoint Anderson Barrowcliff as Auditors for 2018/19.
Moved to vote.
5. Approval of Affiliations of the Students’ Union
President Welfare explained that the Students’ Union’s affiliations are:
She asked AGM 2019 to approve these affiliations for 2019/20.
Moved to vote.
6. Appointment of Returning Officer
President Welfare explained the Returning Officer will oversee the elections, confirm they have been run correctly and sign off the result. She proposed that the Returning Officer be appointed by NUS.
Moved to vote.
7. Approval of Amended Byelaws
President Activities explained that the SU is legally required to have a Constitution as it is a Registered Charity. The constitution and byelaws are the rule book on how the SU is run for students. The byelaws have been updated to reflect recent changes. The revised byelaws are:
President Activities asked AGM 2019 to approve the updated Byelaws.
Moved to vote.
8. Approval of the Guide to Elections including the election dates
President Welfare presented the Guide to Elections.
Two days of voting 8am to 8pm
President Welfare asked AGM 2019 to approve the Guide to Elections and election dates for 2019/20.
Moved to vote.
9. Officers Representation and Campaigning Aims including Q&A
The Officers presented the details of their campaigns for the year ahead and took questions from the floor.
20th November 2018Present:
Andrew Richardson, President Activities (Chair), Tom Platt, President Education, and Sophie Bennet, President Welfare
1. Welcome
The Chair, Andrew Richardson, welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Ratification of the Minutes of Previous AGM
Matters of Accuracy
There were no matters of accuracy.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
Moved to vote
The minutes were passed as a true and accurate record
3. Receiving the Year End Accounts
The President Welfare presented the key points from the End of Year accounts. She noted the End of Year accounts have been audited as true and fair and had been approved by the Board of Trustees. The Students’ Union is financially sound. Net current assets are up. She asked AGM 2018 to receive them.
Moved to vote.
4. Appointment of Students’ Union External Auditors
The President Welfare explained the auditors check the accounts and financial systems. She noted that it is a legal requirement to have an audit of the accounts. Anderson Barrowcliff are Registered Auditors. Anderson Barrowcliff were successful in a recent financial tender process. AGM 2018 is asked to reappoint Anderson Barrowcliff as Auditors for 2018/19.
Moved to vote.
5. Approval of Affiliations of the Students’ Union
President Welfare explained that the Students’ Union’s affiliations are:
She asked AGM 2018 to approve these affiliations for 2018/19.
Moved to vote.
6. Appointment of Returning Officer
President Education explained the Returning Officer will oversee the elections, confirm they have been run correctly and sign off the result. He proposed that the Returning Officer be appointed by NUS.
Moved to vote.
7. Approval of Amended Byelaws
President Education explained that the SU is legally required to have a Constitution as it is a Registered Charity. The byelaws have been updated to reflect recent changes
President Education noted the key changes:
Hr asked AGM 2018 to approve the updated Byelaws.
Moved to vote.
8. Approval of the Guide to Elections including the election dates
President Education presented the key changes to the Guide to Elections.
Shorter and easy to read in 2 parts:
Two days of voting 8am to 8pm
Meetings and publicity rules streamlined.
President Education asked AGM 2018 to approve the Guide to Elections and election dates for 2018/19.
Moved to vote.
9. Officers Representation and Campaigning Aims including Q&A
The Officers presented the details of their campaigns for the year ahead.
21st November 2017Present:
Georgina Arksey, VP Welfare (Chair), Tom Platt, VP Education, and Amy Preston, VP Activities
1. Welcome
The Chair, VP Welfare Georgina Arksey, welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Ratification of the Minutes of Previous AGM
Matters of Accuracy
There were no matters of accuracy.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
Moved to vote
The minutes were passed as a true and accurate record
3. Receiving the Year End Accounts
VP Welfare passed the Chair to VP Education.
VP Welfare presented the key points from the End of Year accounts. The SU has secured more block grant funding so has been able to spend more on its three core charitable activities:
The SU now has a formal lease giving it more control over this building. The old pension scheme was replaced in 2009 but has a long term deficit needing funding until 2033, and it makes the otherwise healthy balance sheet negative which is out of the SU’s control but have taken steps to protect the SU’s interests and meet the legal obligations. The Board of Trustees has checked and approved the accounts.
GA noted the En
Moved to vote.
4. Appointment of Students’ Union External Auditors
VP Welfare explained the auditors check the accounts and financial systems. She noted that it is a legal requirement to have an audit of the accounts. Anderson Barrowcliff are Registered Auditors. AGM 2017 is asked to reappoint Anderson Barrowcliff as Auditors for 2017/18.
Moved to vote.
5. Approval of Affiliations of the Students’ Union
VP Education passed the chair to the VP Welfare.
VP Education explained that the Students’ Union’s affiliations are:
AGM 2017 is asked to approve these affiliations for 2017/18.
Moved to vote.
6. Appointment of Returning Officer
VP Education explained the Returning Officer will oversee the elections, confirm they have been run correctly and sign off the result. She proposed that the Returning Officer be appointed by NUS.
Moved to vote.
7. Approval of Amended Byelaws
VP Activities noted that the SU has run with three Vice Presidents since the President resigned in August. The Officers have consulted with many students and the University about covering the President’s responsibilities within the team in relation to effective political leadership.
She noted that each Officer is now speaking to the University directly about issues in their respective area meaning there is more Officer engagement on the big issues.
VP Activities proposed that AGM 2017 approves the Constitution and Byelaws to make the improved representation permanent meaning the SU will have three Officers, all Presidents with portfolio ie President Activities, President Education, and President Welfare. This will be effective this year for the current Officers and in the annual elections next semester.
Moved to vote
The were no abstentions
8. Approval of the Guide to Elections including the election dates
VP Activities noted the Guide to Elections is in two parts and they have been streamlined to make it easier to understand. She noted the election dates have been updated to fit within this academic year and asked AGM 2017 to approve the election dates as detailed in the Guide to Elections ‘ Rules and Information’.
Moved to vote.
9. Officers Representation and Campaigning Aims including Q&A
The Officers presented details of their campaigns for the year ahead.
VP Activities
VP Welfare
8th November 2016Present:
Bruna Silva, President (Chair), Adam Howe, VP Education, Georgina Arksey, VP Welfare, and Amy Preston, VP Activities
1. Welcome
The Chair, Bruna Silva, welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Ratification of the Minutes of Previous AGM
Matters of Accuracy
There were no matters of accuracy.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
Moved to vote
The minutes were passed as a true and accurate record
3. Receiving the Year End Accounts
The President passed the Chair to VP Education.
The President presented the key points from the End of Year accounts. She noted the End of Year accounts have been audited as true and fair and had been approved by the Board of Trustees and asked AGM 2016 to receive them.
Moved to vote.
4. Appointment of Students’ Union External Auditors
The President explained the auditors check the accounts and financial systems. She noted that it is a legal requirement to have an audit of the accounts. Anderson Barrowcliff are Registered Auditors. AGM 2016 is asked to reappoint Anderson Barrowcliff as Auditors for 2016/17.
Moved to vote.
5. Approval of Affiliations of the Students’ Union
VP Education passed the chair to the President.
VP Education explained that the Students’ Union’s affiliations are:
AGM 2016 is asked to approve these affiliations for 2016/17.
Moved to vote.
6. Appointment of Returning Officer
VP Welfare explained the Returning Officer will oversee the elections, confirm they have been run correctly and sign off the result. She proposed that the Returning Officer be appointed by NUS.
Moved to vote.
7. Approval of the Updated Guide to Elections
VP Education noted the Guide to Elections has been split into two parts and they have been streamlined to make it easier to understand.
The were no abstentions
8. Approval of Election Dates
VP Education noted the election dates have been updated to fit within this academic year and asked AGM 2016 to approve the election dates as detailed in the Guide to Elections ‘ Rules and Information’.
Moved to vote.
9. Approval of Amended Byelaws
VP Activities explained that the SU is legally required to have a Constitution as it is a Registered Charity. The byelaws have been updated to reflect recent changes.
VP Activities noted the key changes:
VP Activities asked AGM 2016 to approve the updated Byelaws.
Moved to vote.
10. Voting on National Ballot Question
The President explained that as a member of NUS the SU can elect delegates to go to its conference which votes on motions for national policy and campaigns that NUS will carry out. Motion 201 was passed at this year’s conference. It concerns NUS disrupting this year’s National Student Survey so its results could not be used by the Government in the new Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) as NUS expects TEF will be link to fee increases and so passed Motion 201 to boycott and sabotage this year’s NSS.
There a number of students’ unions concerned about the risks involved including TUSU for example the University’s NSS scores are one of the strengths here and help to ensure the degrees and other awards students receive are taken seriously.
BS noted TUSU is also concerned about the risk of damaging the working relationship between the SU and the University and our work on the student voice being lost in a negative campaign against the NSS.
BS proposed that AGM 2016 vote to mandate NUS to carry out a proper risk assessment and equality impact assessment before finalising the NSS boycott/sabotage action so the campaign is considered and effective not reckless and damaging.
Moved to vote.
11. Officers Representation and Campaigning Aims including Q&A
The Officers presented the details of their campaigns for the year ahead.
VP Education
VP Welfare
VP Activities